Ending Self-Sabotage
Jill was in a profession that requires physical stamina and, to go to the next advancement, she had to pass a physical test. This test included running a mile within a certain time limit. Try as she might, she just couldn’t get below the limit, even though she had been as close as 4 seconds. “I know I’m fit enough to do this. But something seems to stop me. I hate running and I hate having to be timed, and something inside just rebels against this and I sabotage myself every time.”
Jill only called me the day before her last chance to do this test, so we did an emergency session. EFT was used to ease her inner blockages to success. As it turned out, there was a history to her dislike of running, a high school coach who had pushed them too hard and said demeaning things. Discovery of an earlier issue often happens as EFT ‘peels the layers of the onion’ and people receive insights about the origins of their problem. As we used EFT to treat her emotional reactions to that old humiliating experience, Jill visibly relaxed. Then we used hypnotherapy to create a vivid and exciting scenario of her running freely, with her body responding perfectly now and her run entirely successful.
The next day, she reported that, not only had she passed the test, she had finished the run with 20 seconds to spare!
The combination of EFT and hypnosis can work wonders for enhancing sports performance. Most of us are aware of “the mental aspect of the game” and many well-known star athletes attribute some of their success to their practices of visualizing and rehearsing mentally. But what has been missing is an effective method for clearing emotional blocks such as self-consciousness, fear of failure, prior bad experiences, etc. Once EFT is used to identify and clear the negative emotional baggage, a new positive vision can be installed with ease. And when we have the inner experience of peak performance, we are free to do our very best physically.
NOTE: The same principles apply for artistic performance.