Level 1-2 EFT TrainingCurrently, trainings are on hold but will resume in 2024
6 weekday meetings, dates to be determined
4 hours per class — morning or afternoon, to be determined
Tuition: $575
EFT International Approved Level 1-2 Foundational Training
A message from Betty: As a former college teacher, I especially appreciate the format of a 4 hour class once a week, with time in between to integrate and practice the material. There are great advantages to having our learning spread out over time.
♥ I only teach small groups, which assures that the classes are lively and interactive. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion, laughter and connection. Be assured that we will take adequate breaks and include movement. We guard against zoom fatigue!
♥ Zoom breakout rooms work beautifully for practice in pairs. A great deal of our time is spent in hands-on practice, then discussion of our experiences.
♥ For most people, learning in bite-size pieces facilitates greater mastery of the EFT Foundational Skills by the end of the training. More compressed formats, such as the standard 3-day intensive, can be excellent too — but there are undeniable educational advantages with a series of shorter classes over time, especially for those who prefer this more leisurely pace.
Our EFT Level 1-2 includes:
- 24 hours live on-line training via zoom videoconference — format will be 4 hour segments over 6 weeks — plus two shorter bonus webinars for further practice and integration.
- Pre- and post-course additions via on-line modules providing 30+ hours total
- A comprehensive manual of training materials — you will receive a hard-copy manual which is mailed to you as well as the digital version. Providing you with a ‘real’ manual to page through as you learn and practice is important to me as a teacher
- Instruction in the full EFT International Curriculum for EFT Level 1-2 plus extra Creative EFT tips and handouts
- Opportunity to continue the EFT International Certification process in order to become a Certified EFT Practitioner (this is a process that can take anywhere from 6-12 months – see certification details – see fee for the certification program)
This is a small-group training. With on-line trainings, I generally limit the group to 4-6 participants plus one or more EFT Emotional Assistants. This assures that we can interact with ease through the screen.
Our foundational EFT training workshop is appropriate for both those who want to further their EFT skills for personal use and those who would like to use it professionally. Scroll down for details on the course content.
Tuition and Sign-up
Thank you for considering being a part of my next training group. I do like to have a phone chat with each participant just to connect, discuss what to expect and answer any questions. Please email me — bettymh.vt@gmail.com — to schedule a brief chat with me before signing up. Access to payment will be given at that time.
Full Tuition for the EFT Level 1-2 Training: $575
If you are Canadian, I’m happy to offer you a special discount to help offset the difference with the Canadian dollar. Email me for details.
Believe me, I know that “life happens” and sometimes unavoidable complications arise. If a participant cannot attend as planned and notifies me 10 days or more before class begins, we will discuss the best credit or refund options, less a $50 non-refundable cancellation fee. Your payment can usually be applied as credit for the next class. Once class has started, refunds or credits are generally not possible because there is no chance to allow another student to take your place. Because classes are small, please do honor your commitment to be with us. However, if you truly can’t attend as planned, you will always be treated fairly and respectfully by me.
While students are expected to attend all the live training classes if at all possible, it is inevitable over six weeks that a participant may need to miss a class for reasons they cannot avoid. If that should happen, I will make sure that we arrange for a full make-up of the material. You will be able to make up the class by watching the video recording and by doing the practices with another student on your own time. (Live class demos may not be included in the recording due to privacy concerns — the demo subject has the last say on that). I’m also available to meet one-on-one to answer any questions. We want everyone to finish the class well-versed in all the Level 1-2 concepts and skills. Please note: missing more than one class will require an individual make-up session with an additional fee.
A comment from the in-person intensive:
An amazing training. Each experience offered an opportunity for deep and profound healing. Betty’s gentle manner made this a safe place to stretch, grow and change ourselves, and support each other in doing the same!
Lynda Schoenbeck, LICSW
Our exciting interactive EFT Level 1-2 combined training has been successfully converted to an online format. The six weeks of online classes prove to be an even more effective method to provide you with a solid training in the foundational skills of EFT tapping. I still provide you with a comprehensive manual, EFT handouts and other resources. Even though the class is on-line, the manual you receive is *the real thing,* 100 pages in a binder sent to you by snail mail. What you learn from this training will be immediately applicable in your personal life and, if you are a professional in the helping fields, in your work with clients.
You’ll practice the basic process and learn key concepts and strategies. You will learn creative approaches to healing fears and painful memories, diminishing cravings, relieving stress and anxious feelings, helping with physical issues, and much more. The Level 1-2 EFT Training is the pre-requisite to EFT Certification, which is highly recommended as the best way to fully develop your EFT Art of Delivery skills, especially if you are going to use EFT professionally. You will complete our training with all the essential tools in your toolbox. Then, if you choose to certify as an EFT Practitioner, the Certification process is a wonderful way to get the practice and mentoring needed for mastery.
More on what you will learn:
Keep scrolling down this page to see the details of our Level 1-2 curriculum.
Getting Certified in EFT
Completing EFT Levels 1 and 2 is the first step towards meeting the requirements for EFTi Certification in EFT. The EFTi (EFT International) is the premier international certification for EFT, and EFTi trainings have respect and credibility worldwide. Keep scrolling down to see our Level 1-2 curriculum, which is in full compliance with the EFTi standards for Level 1-2 Trainings.
See EFTi Certification details here.
Review the fees for Betty’s EFT Certification Program
Learn more about EFT International here, or on the EFT International website.
EFT International Curriculum for the Levels 1 and 2 EFT Trainings
Please note: Although the topics are divided in the lists below into Level 1 and Level 2 skills, there are places where the material overlaps in the combined training. Our six weeks of classes work very well to weave all these skills together and help you integrate it all. Then you’ll need to practice, practice, practice. 🙂
Level 1: Foundational Skills I
In EFT level 1, students master key concepts and get hands-on experience to prepare them to use basic EFT skills for themselves, family and friends. Covered in Level 1:
- What EFT tapping is and the history behind it
- An overview of the science behind EFT
- Building Bridges from existing beliefs to EFT
- How to do EFT: the current EFT Basic Recipe; the original version of EFT and why it is good to know both
- The SUDS scale and other ways to Measure and Test
- The history, principals and implications of Psychological Reversal
- How to formulate Setup statements
- Aspects of our issues and the concept of shifting aspects
- The importance of Being Specific; “global” vs. “specific”
- Skillful questioning
- How to handle excessive emotional intensity
- The Movie Technique/Tell-The-Story Technique for clearing the emotion of specific events
- Understanding the Generalization Effect
- Cognitive belief shifts
- Using EFT to help with aches and pains
- Using EFT on addictive cravings
- The concept of Borrowing Benefits
- Troubleshooting: what to do when EFT seems not to work
Level 2: Foundational Skills II
Level 2 offers further development of EFT skills for serious students. Students learn and practice core competencies that lead them to become confident with EFT. At the end of Levels 1 & 2, students receive a Certificate of Completion and they are considered competent to offer EFT to others at a basic level. There is, of course, much more to do to complete requirements for full EFTi Certification: practice sessions, case studies, mentoring and more, a process which typically takes 6 months – 1 year. The certification process is available to Level 2 graduates and many continue into certification, but of course there is no requirement to continue.
Covered in Level 2:
- Listening and gaining rapport
- Introduction to trauma; EFT, trauma, and the brain
- Further development of the Movie Technique/Tell-the-Story Technique
- The Gentle Techniques of Sneaking Up, Guessing, the Tearless Trauma Technique, and Chasing the Pain
- The great value of the Movie/Tell-the-Story Technique + the Gentle Techniques for approaching and healing trauma
- Abreactions: how to avoid them and what to do if they arise
- More approaches for Physical Issues; Emotional Roots of Physical Symptoms
- “Table with Many Legs” metaphor for complex issues
- About Core Issues
- Finding Core Issues with skillful questions
- Recognizing and working with Reversals
- Using intuition
- “Through you not by you”
- Recognizing your limits – “Don’t go where you don’t belong”
- Extra tapping points and variations
- Awareness of cognitive, perceptual, energetic, and somatic shifts
- Reframing with client’s own cognitive shift
- Writing on the Walls concept
- The Palace of Possibilities – finding and addressing limiting beliefs
- Affirmations and “tail-enders”
- “How true is it for you?” (the VOC measurement, validity of cognition)
- Introduction to creative language
- More on creative Testing of results
- Personal Peace Procedure
- Introduction to delivering EFT by videoconference (Zoom or Skype) or phone
- Introduction to EFT for groups and Borrowing Benefits
- Introduction to EFT for children
- Introduction to EFT for animals
- Importance of doing our own personal work – personal triggers
- Safety, boundaries, and confidentiality
- The EFT International Ethics Code
- Requirements and benefits of Certification
The Certification Process
As stated earlier, the EFT International Certification process involves a great deal more than the foundational training of the EFT Level 1-2. But going through an EFT Level 1-2 Training is the essential first step. For those who are interested in continuing towards getting certified in EFT, you team up with a mentor to work towards certification.
Betty has developed a comprehensive program offering full support for enhanced training and EFT International Certification. To see what she offers, take a look at the Emotional Freedom Mastery Program.