Charles and Student Teaching 
“The chalkboard became my stage”
Charles came to me because he had a severe fear of public speaking and great anxiety about his upcoming student teaching. We met for five or six sessions. In each session, we would use EFT and tap for all the aspects of his fears about what might happen when he would be in charge of a classroom. Then we used hypnotherapy to create the positive vision of how he wanted to handle himself. Two months later, he wrote the following:
Dear Betty,
This letter is to inform you of the progress I have made after taking part in your weekly EFT and hypnotherapy sessions. As you know, three months ago I had very little confidence in my public speaking ability. Any time I was up on stage, I became anxious and cloudy-minded. My forehead would start to sweat, my hands would start to shake, and my voice would become weak. I became so self-conscious about my inability to speak that I would get nervous even in situations with just one other person. Any time I was put on the spot, whether it be speaking in front of an audience, raising my hand in class, or even just talking to my best friend, my thoughts became tied in a knot and I was unable to articulate myself.
When January came around, I became particularly nervous because I ws about to begin student teaching at a local high school. I dreaded the day that I had to be up in front of the classroom, with all of those students testing my ability to keep my composure. That’s when I heard about your hypnotherapy sessions. Without hesitation, I called you up and set an appointment. From day one, I immediately perceived you to be a caring person who was very knowledgeable in the field healing people through EFT and hypnosis. After only two sessions, I had already began to notice a difference. No longer did I have any fear of public speaking, which for me meant talking in front of the classroom. I still became a little nervous when it was actually time to talk, but I reached the point where I could control that energy and use it to help me focus on the task at hand. After about a month of sessions and practicing hypnotherapy and EFT on my own, my attitude about public speaking had completed a 180 degree turn. Instead of feeling anxious or nervous about speaking up in front of class, I began to thrive on it. I walked into my classroom as if I was an actor and the chalkboard was my stage. I loved to crack jokes and tell stories, actions that would have been far too risky a month earlier.
Now after two more months of practicing hypnotherapy on my own, I feel completely at home up in front of the classroom, and in front of any other sort of audience. Without your EFT and hypnotherapy sessions, I don’t think I could have made nearly the amount of progress that I made in such a short amount of time. Thank you so much!
Charles B.