Welcome to EFT!
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a simple yet powerful process to shift our internal energy by tapping on acupuncture points. EFT combines mental focus and acupressure. When you tap while focusing on an emotion or internal block, you smooth out your energy and release the intensity of the troublesome emotion, physical sensation, negative thought or worrisome image.
You are welcome to print out my “How To Do EFT” 2-page guide. Here is the PDF: Betty’s “How To Do EFT” Handout
It’s best to start by learning the tapping points and the basic process. You’ll find these in my two videos. You can also scroll down and go directly to the written version below the videos. Please note: the contact information at the end of the videos is no longer correct. Visit my contact page for my current email. Also, we no longer say “Karate Chop Spot” which could be culturally sensitive. We now refer to that tapping spot as Side of Hand. Thank you!
Video One: The EFT Tapping Points
Video Two: The EFT Process
Like most practitioners, I have my own style. My preferred version of EFT is explained below. My “How To Do EFT” is a good guide for starters. For more complete information on EFT, I invite you to pick up your free EFT manual at EFTinternational.org. I’m honored to be one of the co-authors! 🙂
How To Do EFTPREPARATION: THE SET-UP: While continuously tapping the Side of Hand, say the Set-Up Phrase three “Even though I have this [state the problem], I deeply and completely accept myself.” You can vary the set-up phrase: “I accept myself anyway”… “I’m still a good person”…”I’m still okay.” NOTE: Instead of tapping the Side of Hand point, you can rub the Sore Spot for the Set-Up – see below.. THE SEQUENCE: Tap at least 7-10 times on the following points. Tap firmly enough to feel a little bounce. As you tap each point, say, “this problem” [you don’t have to say the “even though” part]. For example: “this anger”, “this craving”, “feeling so sad”. You are “tuning in” to the problem by stating it over and over as you tap. This is called the Reminder Phrase. Tapping points:
Beginning of eyebrow Under eye Under nose Chin spot Under arm (about 4″ down) Top of head (crown area) STOP HERE for short version, for the LONGER VERSION, include these HAND POINTS Extra points:Inside wrist (tap lightly across area) Top of hand, called the “gamut spot” (see diagram) Print Betty’s “How To Do EFT” page. Original EFT also included the Finger Points, and they can be added to the process. However, the Inside Wrist stimulates many of the same meridians. Please NoteThe “Sore Spot” is an alternative to the Side of Hand that can be used for the Setup. While repeating the Setup Phrase, “Even though….” you gently rub the sore spot instead of tapping on the Side of Hand. To find the sore spot, place a finger in the indentation at the top of the breastbone. Slide down about 3 inches and to the left or right about 3 inches. Feel around for a “sore spot” between the upper ribs. You may find more than one. |